Releasing the true genius within yourself and others
Releasing Fest self confidence True Genius || Tags: onsale, Showcase || Releasing the true genius within yourself and others
Posted on: February 3, 2020 at 1:32 pm, in
Releasing the true genius
within yourself and others
The human ability to acquire and creatively use information is UNLIMITED.
But how can you access this genius potential?
How do you reach into the lives of everyone you encounter, not to just address limitations but to pull out the true genius that is already within?
In a brand new video training, Paul R. Scheele, PhD, shares his 40+ years of experience in the key knowledge, attitudes, and skills to be successful anytime you are helping someone learn—even change.
And, the same techniques to accelerate learning in others will help you reclaim the natural capabilities of your own body/mind/brain. They put you in the position to learn anything you set your intentions upon..
You can view the five episodes with our compliments during the upcoming Facilitating Brilliance Mindfest beginning February 18.
Paul will show you the secrets to reaching the conscious and nonconscious mind for better 1) reception, 2) retention, and 3) integration.
Here are the five episodes:
Session 1 – Frameworks for learning and change
Session 2 – Designing the learning experience
Session 3 – How to facilitate learning
Session 4 – Creating the ideal learning environment
Session 5 – Bringing it all together. Becoming masterful.
As you watch, you will learn to create brain-friendly, whole person, accelerative, and transformative learning in others, and for yourself.
Paul has presented this material in state technical college systems, various community and state colleges, several colleges of the U.S. Air Force, universities, and a number of companies and organizations throughout North America. Thousands participated, and now you get to learn and benefit from the five sessions free of charge. Simply get your free pass today.
If you want to deliver very high impact value and create a lasting income as a speaker, trainer, teacher, coach, or presenter …
If you want to overcome the dominance of the conscious mind and fears of learning…
If you want to understand positive self-suggestion…
If you want to leave emotional baggage and moods at home…
If you want your physical, emotional, and mental presence to register in the brains of others so you become their go-to person…
Then join Dr. Paul Scheele in the Facilitating Brilliance Mindfest [link] beginning on February 18.
As Paul says, “Be in this work. Share this work with others. We need you to show up and help liberate the genius in humanity.”
For your personal brilliance,