If a king had a secret to his power
(besides the fear of a dungeon)
If the star had a secret to her stardom…
(besides her bedroom eyes)
If the mogul had a secret to his wealth…
(besides some unfair advantage)
If there WAS a secret…to the life you want
It would be
3 simple letters
3 letters to make it easier for you to
love, prosper, heal, and thrive
3 letters to conquer
fear, doubt, sabotage, and being broke
N·L·P Mindfest
An online festival of
powerful change and achievement
Yours absolutely free – no strings attached!
Hi Everyone,
Those three letters—NLP—stand for Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is a powerful and elegantly simple way to get your mind to do what you want! It has been called the Science of Achievement.
Lucky for you, experts have devoted their lives to the study of NLP so you don’t have to! They are using NLP all over the world to help people with effortless breakthroughs in any area of day-to-day life.
Thanks to the NLP Mindfest, 14 of these experts, including Paul Scheele PhD co-founder of Learning Strategies, are coming together for you in a FREE online event, so that you can make measurable progress toward your goals, even with today’s uncertainties.
NLP Mindfest begins Monday, October 24
Get your FREE PASS Today!
When you sign-up today, you will get to immediately listen to an Introduction to NLP with Pete Bissonette, Learning Strategies, and Paul Scheele, Learning Strategies co-founder. Then on Monday, you’ll get to play 14 individual sessions (2 per day) – all about one hour long – absolutely free – and get the breakthrough you want for more success, less weight, better relationships…
Whatever goal you have, there is an expert who will lead you through simple mind-enhancing processes to help vaporize blocks and fears to set you free…
You can listen to these 14 inspiring programs with our compliments:
1) |
Paul R. Scheele PhD – Self-Hypnosis: Regain the power of your mind to direct your life |
2) |
Lindley Craig – Flow Goals: How to achieve your goals and build a better version of you |
3) |
Marilyn Devonish – Communicating Online: Win friends and influence people in the cyber age. |
4) |
Marc Pletzer – The Cappuccino Strategy: Turbo-charge visualization for maximum success |
5) |
Carol Talbot – Leading from the Inside Out: 4 Mind Keys to change your mind and keep the change |
6) |
Dr. Matt James – Integrative Health: Aligning your energy, mind, emotions, and body. |
7) |
Tony Yuile – Anxiety Busters: 4 ways to quickly reduce anxiety and stress |
8) |
Lauren Archer – Lifting the Veil: Beyond the illusion of self-sabotage |
9) |
Steve Andreas – Your Vocal Ally: Transforming negative self-talk |
10) |
Lindsey Agness – Age with Attitude: Eight attitudes of the successful midlife woman |
11) |
Jeremiah Rangel – Spiritual NLP: Follow the guiding light of your highest self |
12) |
William Horton – Overcoming Addictions: The pathway to recovery through NLP |
13) |
Michael Stevenson – Turning Influence into Profits: The art of ethical influence and persuasion in business. |
14) |
Richard Bolstad – The Wheel of Change: 4 simple steps to get the changes you want for yourself or others |
All at no charge for you.
NLP Mindfest begins Monday, October 24
Get your FREE PASS Today!
14 amazing experts will share their expertise with you!
We’ve scoured the world to discover the most talented teachers you’ve never heard about. They are acclaimed experts who have used NLP to enhance and change the lives of thousands and thousands of individuals.
Their techniques and methods are easy to implement and proven to be potently powerful. In September, they are coming together in the first-ever NLP Mindfest, an extraordinary free online event to help you rise above the disappointments and chaos of our days and to enjoy a rewarding and satisfying life. It’s about time!
Each day for 7 days in a row two new teachers will share their expertise with you completely commercial-free. There will be no advertisements. They will stay focused on making sure you receive all of the benefit you can.
Click Here now to see the 14 extraordinary teachers
Here’s what you can expect
Each day at 8:00 pm Central Time beginning on Monday, October 24, two new programs will be streamed online for you to hear.
A few days before the 2016 NLP Mindfest begins you will receive an email with the full schedule. All you will have to do is go to a special website and click play. You shouldn’t have to download any programs. It should work beautifully for you as soon as you push play!
Bonus free session!
Every day of the NLP Mindfest you will also get the opportunity to “Double Your Reading Speed in 10 Minutes” by Paul Scheele. With Double Your Reading Speed, you can make the shift to faster, more efficient reading on anything. You don’t need any special abilities other than being able to read!
Turn on your true power as a reader by using Paul’s simple 3-step process.
You’ll just need to grab a book, listen to the session, and your reading increases immediately.
NLP Mindfest begins Monday, October 24
Get your FREE PASS Today!
NLP is an extraordinary technology of human performance originally created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler.
We are grateful that these 14 experts have worked so hard to simplify NLP and make it something that everyone can benefit from in so many ways. And we’re thrilled to be able to bring this to you for free.
NLP Mindfest is a great way to dive into NLP and come away with a handful of mental processes that can change your life forever. How will your life change? Only you know for sure. Only you know what you would like to accomplish. All I can do is assure you that you will find answers at the NLP Mindfest.
Please sign up today, and forward this email to your friends. This online festival of powerful change and achievement is our gift to the world. It is absolutely free and we would like you to share it with as many people as possible.
Celebrate your genius!