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Posted on: March 9, 2017 at 12:03 pm, in
write well
Hi Everyone,
For some, writing is a dream
For most of us, writing is a necessity we need to improve.

Let’s think about a writing project. Maybe one that makes a request, and you

want someone to say yes.

Are you proposing something to your boss? Are you writing for funding? Are

you crafting a cover letter?

What if you wrote so skillfully and got your message across clearly,

convincingly, and compellingly… so people who have the power to say yes to you are motivated to say yes?

What if you never again struggle with writer’s block, staying centered and

focused on your writing always finishing what you start?

Imagine how wonderful it would be to have your thoughts flow so fast your

fingers can hardly keep up.

Imagine feeling confident of your ability to clearly express your ideas and

intent, to be able to share your message or story, easily and effortlessly.

Introducing the Write Well Mindfest,
bringing you the best practices of accomplished writers
while accessing the full potential
of your genius mind

Writing mentor, Sam Horn, says, “Learning to communicate well through the

written word may be your surest path to achieving your goals throughout your life.”

The Write Well Mindfest is an “I can use these ideas today”

program and you get to use it free for a week. Get your Free Pass today!

Introducing your writing mentor, Sam Horn

Writer and writing coach Sam Horn leads the sessions of the Write Well

Mindfest. It was originally presented as a 7-month virtual training called Write Well, Write Fast,

Write Now. But you get to do the training in one week.

As Executive Director and Emcee of the world-renowned Maui Writers

Conference, (the then publishing version of the Cannes Film Festival), Sam had the privilege of sharing the

stage with Hollywood legends such as Ron Howard (Apollo 13), Aaron Sorkin (West Wing) and

Garry Marshall (Pretty Woman).

Her books, POP!, Tongue Fu!, ConZentrate, What’s Holding You

Back? and Got Your Attention? have been featured in Library Journal, New York Times,

INC.com, Readers Digest, Fast Company and have received endorsements from such best-selling authors as

Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Successful People) and John Gray (Men are From Mars, Women

are From Venus.)

As a communications strategist, she is hired by such organizations as Cisco,

Intel, KPMG, Boeing, and NASA to teach executives to craft compelling communications that connect.

Perhaps most importantly she is known for her highly-interactive programs

that focus on real-life ideas you can use immediately to create communications that achieve desired results.

And that’s the Write Well Mindfest.

How does Write Well Mindfest work?

You will listen to the actual recordings from Sam’s popular seven-month

virtual training during the six days of the Write Well Mindfest. You can apply what you learn

immediately – the same day – to your own writing. The sessions are powerful and idea generating and for the

first time are presented as the Write Well Mindfest.

Here is what you will get:
Session 1 – Available Right Now
Write for Success:
Be the Great Writer You Want to Be, Deserve to Be, Can Be

Day 1 – March 27, 2017

Write Now:
Remove Fears, Overcome Procrastination, Free Up Your Inner Writer

Day 2 – March 28, 2017

Write Fast:
Identify Goals, Turn Confusion into Clarity, Produce Results

Day 3 – March 29, 2017

Write Tight:
Organize Your Thoughts, Keep It Concise, Make It Crystal Clear

Day 4 – March 30, 2017

Write Naturally:
Be Authentic, Find Your Voice, Facilitate Flow

Day 5 – March 31, 2017

Write Creatively:
Make it Compelling So People Read It to the End

Day 6 – April 1, 2017

Write On:
Use Your Writing to Increase Your Influence and Impact

For your personal best,

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