Millionaire NEW YEAR SUPERCHARGER self confidence Success WEALTH || Tags: onsale || NEWYEAR SUPERCHARGER 2016
Posted on: December 8, 2016 at 12:18 pm, in
Prime your mind, and
Knock the frustration out of goal achievement! Take 25 minutes a day
for six days to achieve your biggest and best goal for 2017 F R E E !
Hi Everyone
“Knock the frustration out of goal achievement,” we say, “by priming your super-power nonconscious mind during the last six days of this year.”
There is nothing to study.
No homework. No exercises. All you have to do is sit back, close your eyes, and push play.. Whether you want to lose weight, improve your finances, exercise more, or achieve your biggest and best goal, the New Year Supercharger gets your brain working for you. It powers your motivation. It sets you up for the success you want and deserve.
Join the New Year Supercharger – it is completely FREE and glide into 2017 primed for success.
While most people will fail at their biggest and best goal (heck, most people won’t even set the goal in the first place!), it is the people like you, who will use all of the tools at their disposal, who achieve, achieve, and achieve.
It is your turn. The New Year Supercharger is easy and fun. (You just need to dive in. The water’s fine!)
2) Each day from December 26 through December 31 come to a special webpage.
3) Listen to a specially selected Paraliminal program to prime your mind and supercharge
your goal. 4) Enjoy achieving your goal!
(If you don’t know what a Paraliminal is, show up with headphones and be ready to direct your nonconscious mind in ways that will propel you to the success you want in 2017.)
Here are the advantages you will get:
The New Year Supercharger gets you what it takes
to achieve your biggest and best goal for 2017. When you show up.
Take about a half an hour each day during the New Year Supercharger to prime your mind for achieving your biggest and best goal for 2017. We’ve done everything we can to set you up for success, and now it is your turn…
There is no cost or obligation.
Cheers to the New Year!
P.S. – The Paraliminals were created by Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies. They are the most amazing personal growth tools that I’ve ever come across. Paul designed them to stimulate and direct your nonconscious mind – your subconscious mind. They are so easy to use. Just put on headphones and push play, and you’ll be gently guided from there. Each day during the New Year Supercharger you have free access to one of the Paraliminals specifically selected to help you achieve your biggest and best goal for 2017. Take advantage of this opportunity. Use the Paraliminals. I will be right along with you.